Maximum transparency is essential to Amaidhi Foundation: financial data, contents and background details of our projects can be found via this website and in the news magazine which is published at least once a year. Our annual accountant reports and action plans can be downloaded for free, see below.
Amaidhi is a Public Benefit Organisation: in Dutch: “Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’,a so called ANBI. One implication is that benefactors may deduct gifts from their income tax return. Amaidhi is also fully functioning as a voluntary organisation.
Data related to the ANBI-status:
Stichting Amaidhi - Hulp aan India (Amaidhi Foundation- Help for India)
Contact details:
Adress: De Kluijskamp 12-71, 6545 JK Nijmegen
Telephone: +31-(0)24-3773520
Chamber of Commerce/Kamer van Koophandel: KvK Midden-Gelderland (Nijmegen): nr. 41261594
RSIN-number: 807534523
Since 1997 Amaidhi Foundation has been supporting 5 ngo’s in India that are working in poverty reduction, health care, education, emancipation and care of street children.
Members of our board:
Mr. Peter Deurloo, M.A., chairman
Mrs. Nathalie de Haan, PhD., secretary
Mrs. Ine Kruijdenberg-Le Blanc, LL.M., treasurer
Dilia Deurloo-Hunsche, MSc., B.N., board member
Jan Vincent, board member
Corrie Vincent, board member
Juus van Haaren, B. A., board member
Remuneration policy:
All board members of Amaidhi perform their activities on a voluntary basis, without any payment. Amaidhi Foundation doesn’t employ any paid staff members. Costs of administration, travels, workshops etc. are paid for by board members at their own expenses. In this way Amaidhi Foundation guarantees that all donations are spent on the projects in India itself. A policy of no overhead costs is being maintained.
Annual auditors report:
Please take a look at our most recent annual auditors report, click here. Our annual accountants reports are being made, for free, by accountants office BDO Camps Obers.
Amaidhi is a member of Partin, the organisation which represents the interests of small charitable organisations. Amaidhi has been certified by Partin.
Our annual report can also be sent to you on paper. Please transfer 10 euros to IBAN: NL76 RABO 0167 9446 81 on behalf of Stichting Amaidhi, indicating ‘annual auditors report’.
Annual accountants reports and action plans for free (in Dutch):
download pdf-bestand: